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Rate Proposal Information

Trico’s mission is to make a difference in the communities we serve by providing our Members cost-effective and sustainable energy solutions.

Over the last several years, we have all experienced increased prices on everything from gas to groceries to housing. At Trico, we have seen similar increases in the cost of equipment and materials we use to provide reliable energy. For example, since 2020 the cost of transformers and regulators has more than doubled, while wires and cable have gone up seven percent.

Trico has been expanding its portfolio of generation resources with a combination of traditional and renewable resources, power purchase agreements, and even Member-owned distributed resources. It is vital for Trico to invest in its grid to maintain reliable service, purchase adequate power generation and storage capacity to meet system needs, and recruit and retain high-achieving employees with a commitment to serving Trico Members. All of these efforts produce value for Members but they require investment.

In October 2024, Trico filed a Rate Proposal Application with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). This is the method for utilities (including cooperatives) to change their rates in the State of Arizona. Trico’s last Rate Proposal was filed with the ACC in 2015 and was based on 2014 costs. That rate change was approved by the ACC in 2017. We have worked hard to control costs, and will continue to do so, but it is now necessary for Trico to increase its rates.

Trico works hard to balance reliability, planning for the future, and excellent service with cost. As a non-profit cooperative, you (our Members) are the priority, and we will always be focused on providing you great value.

We will continue to keep you informed throughout the Rate Proposal process. Future articles in the Livewire will include updates, and you can visit Trico’s social media and this webpage for additional updates. We thank you for your support, and we look forward to continuing to serve you with cost-effective, sustainable, and reliable energy solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see the Rate Proposal document submitted to the ACC?

Yes, the full proposal filed with the ACC can be viewed here.

When will the rate changes go into effect?

The changes will not go into effect until approved by the ACC. We expect this will be in late 2025 or early 2026.

How will Trico’s proposed rates impact residential Members?

Residential Member rates will increase by 7.11%. This includes the change to the Customer Charge and surcharges described below. For the average Residential Member, this will mean an increase of around $9.97 per month.

We are also proposing that the Demand Side Management (DSM) and Renewable Energy Standard Tariff (REST) surcharges on your existing bills be eliminated and that costs of those programs be included in base rates. We made this change because our Members have told us they find surcharges confusing. This means the effective increase to rates is actually closer to 6.25% rather than 7.11%.

Is Trico increasing its monthly customer charge?

Yes, as proposed the residential Customer Charge will increase from $20 to $25. This charge helps to recover the fixed costs Trico must pay to maintain its system and invest in the system.

Is Trico proposing changes to its rules, regulations and line extension policy?

Yes, Trico is proposing changes to make the RRLEP easier to read and more accessible to Members and Trico employees.

How will commercial rates be efffected?

Trico has a variety of commercial rates and the changes vary by class. We will be sharing more information on commercial rates in future articles, meetings with Members, and on our website. Any commercial Members interested in meeting with one of our Commercial Account Specialists can contact us at 520-744-2944 ext. 1311.

Are there changes to the service charges?

Yes. Regular hours service calls will increase from $50 to $125. After hours Meter Crew calls will increase from $70 to $175. After hours Service Crew calls will increase from $175 to $250. Meter testing costs will increase from $35 to $50. The late payment charge will increase from 1.25% to 1.50% per month. The intent is to better capture the actual cost of these services and have the Members who use these services cover the costs.