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Trico will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on December 24, and remain closed through December 25. Happy Holidays!

You’re invited to our Annual Meeting on April 1, 2023

February 23, 2023

Most consumers likely don’t equate active involvement with their electric company with helping their community. But Trico is not an ordinary utility company. We’re a cooperative, and our business model is meant to serve our Members.

Spending time with you and hearing your take on our community’s energy future is important to us. We hope you will be able to attend the Trico Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at Casino del Sol Resort. We’re starting the meeting an hour later than usual at 11 a.m. We hope the time change will allow more Members to attend.

The Annual Meeting is your chance as a Member to learn about your electric cooperative, make your voice heard, and meet the faces behind the cooperative. The meeting will include a report on Trico’s efforts to serve its Members’ interests and provide cost-effective, reliable and sustainable energy solutions. There will be food, raffle prizes and trees for sale. You must be present to win the prizes.

The Annual Meeting is also a time for Members to vote for your Board of Directors. There are two Board of Director positions up for re-election: District 3 (Avra Valley, Picture Rocks, Star Valley) and District 6 (Corona de Tucson, Vail). The director seats will be formally elected at the Annual Meeting. Members can vote at the Annual Meeting. For Members who prefer online voting or are unable to attend the meeting, online voting is available on our website at through March 29, 2023 at 11 a.m.

The board of directors is comprised of seven Members who live and work right here in our local service area, so they are in the best position to know where community investments are most needed. We hope you’ll consider running for the board in the future – we’re always looking for folks who care about our community and who are willing to serve.

Every year, we invest funds to make updates to our local system, which helps maintain reliability and grid resilience. Think of it this way: every time you pay your electric bill, you’re investing in your community because all the money we take in goes to improve the local community. By making these investments in our local system, we can ensure you have reliable power for everyday life.

We hope you’ll exercise the benefits of your co-op membership and join us for the Annual Meeting on April 1, 2023. We look forward to seeing you!


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