Let’s stay connected
Has your phone number, address or email changed recently?
Please take a minute to update your contact information on SmartHub at trico.smarthub.coop, call us at (520) 744‑2944 or email us at memberservices@trico.coop.
Accurate information enables us to improve member service and enhance communications for reporting and repairing outages. Up-to-date contact information can potentially speed up the power restoration process during an outage. For example, the phone number you provide is linked to your service address in our outage management system. This means when you call to report an outage, our system recognizes your phone number and matches it with your account location. Accurate information helps our outage management system predict the location and possible cause of an outage, making it easier for our crews to correct the problem.
We will never share your information with any third parties.
Log in to your online account — from our website or the SmartHub mobile app — and verify your contact information (including your email address). Haven’t set up your online account yet? Click here to create a SmartHub account.