Join the Trico Board
Join Trico’s Board of Directors
November 1, 2024
Trico is accepting nomination petitions for District 4 (Sahuarita, Green Valley) and District 7 (SaddleBrooke, Mt. Lemmon).
One of the many benefits of Trico is that it is owned and governed by you, our Members. Our Board of Directors are Trico Members who have been elected to govern and direct the affairs of the Cooperative.
As a Trico Member, you too are eligible to run for a seat on the Board and become an advocate for both Trico and your community. You can make a difference by giving back to the community and leading your cooperative into the future.
Directors are nominated and elected by you, our Trico Members. Elections are held once a year, around the time of our Annual Meeting usually held in April. Directors serve a three‑year term and can run for re-election. Each year, two or three Board positions come up for election.
This year, Trico is accepting nomination petitions for District 4 (Sahuarita, Green Valley) and District 7 (SaddleBrooke, Mt. Lemmon). See the box at right for more information.
Who is eligible to run for the Board?
- You are eligible to be a Director, if one of the following applies:
- You are a Trico Member
- You are the proprietor of a business that is a Trico Member
- You are the superintendent or principal of a school that is a Trico Member
- You have been designated in writing to represent an organization that you are associated with, if they are a Trico Member
Learn more about running for the Board here.
Official Notice of Nomination by Petition
You are hereby notified that:
The 79th Annual Membership Meeting of Trico Electric Cooperative is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2025. The meeting will be held at Casino del Sol.
The incumbent directors of the districts whose current terms will expire at the meeting are: Marsha Thompson (District 4) and Kevin McCarthy (District 7).
Nominations for the election of Directors shall be by member Nomination Petition, unless otherwise provided in Trico’s Bylaws.
No person may be nominated unless he or she is duly qualified to serve as a director and has given prior consent to serve if elected. See the Trico website at for details on what a Trico Board Member’s duties entail.
Nomination Petitions will be available on the Trico website starting December 5, 2024 and will be available through January 21, 2025. The website will also have information and options regarding digital petitions.
Nomination Petitions require 30 or more signatures of Members from the district in which the Director is to be elected. Each household represents one Membership. Only one person from the Membership may sign a nomination petition. Members may not sign the Nomination Petitions of more than one candidate.
Nomination Petitions must be filed with the secretary of the corporation at least 75 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The submission deadline is January 21, 2025 at 4:30 p.m.
On September 24, 2024, the Trico Board of Directors approved a change in the Bylaws to amend the nomination process in Article V of the Bylaws. The result is that incumbent Directors who have been elected by Trico’s Membership and completed the nomination by petition process (Article V, Section 3) within the prior three years, may be nominated for a subsequent term via nomination by petition or by a Nominating Committee of the Board. Because Board terms last for three years this will mean that incumbent Directors will still need to seek nominations by petition every other term, if they wish to run for re-election. A full copy of Trico’s Bylaws is available at Open, democratic elections are a key part of the principles of being a cooperative, and Trico encourages Members to vote in the annual election of Trico’s Board of Directors.