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Trico’s 12 Days of Giving

December 12, 2024

Community is at the heart of what we do. As a nonprofit electric co-op, Trico strives to go beyond simply providing electricity – we want to make our communities a better place to live for all. This holiday season, we are highlighting our 12 Days of Giving and sharing ways we helped to make a difference in the communities we serve.

  1. POWER Grants: The Trico Electric Charitable Trust provides $70K in funding every year to nonprofits serving our Members with essential needs. To date, we have provided $910K in funding to over 80 nonprofits.
  2. Scholarships: The Trico Foundation provides $500K in funding every year for Trico Members and their dependents to pursue higher education. To date, the Trico Foundation has awarded over $4.7 million to over 770 students.
  3. Sahuarita Food Bank: Trico employees volunteered over 90 hours at the Sahuarita Food Bank to help provide food to their clients in need.
  4. All the Way to the Border Clean Up: Trico employees helped pick up trash along a 44-mile stretch of Arizona Highway 286 from Three Points to Sasabe.
  5. Marana Food Bank: Trico employees hosted several food drives throughout the year and provided monetary donations to the Marana Food Bank.
  6. Salvation Army Angel Tree: Trico employees sponsored 75 children to provide them with much deserved toys and gifts for the holiday season.
  7. SARSEF Fair: Trico sponsored the Southern Arizona Research Science and Engineering Foundation’s (SARSEF) annual Science Fair. We provided $5,000 as well as employee judges for the fair.
  8. Community Giving: Trico gave over $29,000 back to our communities through donations and sponsorships. These include schools, children’s sports teams, educational programs, charity events, and more.
  9. 4-H: Trico has supported local 4-H youth for 45 years through the Pima County Fair.
  10. Beacon Group: Trico has contracted with Beacon Group since 2012 to provide jobs for disabled individuals at Trico’s headquarters in Marana.
  11. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Trico’s DEI efforts supported local groups with donations and sponsorships that included Tucson Pride, Tucson Juneteenth Festival, and African American Museum of Southern Arizona.
  12. Cooperative Family Fund: Trico and its employees provided $3,975 in donations to the Cooperative Family Fund, an organization providing support for children of electric cooperative employees when they experience the loss of a parent employed at a cooperative.